Brett Thibault Architect

All rights reserved 2013

28 Vincent Road Mendon, Massachusetts 01756 (508) 634 8401


Please click on an image to view a portfolio

Furniture Architecture Objects

In the attempt to make a graphical presentation of design, it becomes immediately apparent that the presentation will provide only an introduction to a realm of possibility. The complexity of experience evades capture in words and often defies exact replication even if one attempts to repeat the same experience. Things just never seem the same the second time. In fact, it's been said that art and architecture cannot be explained, it must be experienced. That may be true, but of course there exists little evidence in life of such absolutes.
In service of brevity then, I present this portfolio to introduce a realm of possibility.  I designed but did not build the commercial and institutional projects listed under the Architecture heading, though I built all the residential architectural projects, all the furniture, and crafted all the objects.

Website design and coding © by Brett Thibault
All rights reserved